Mastiha in oral hygiene

Mastiha in oral hygiene

Journal of Medicinal Food Jun 2006, Vol. 9, No. 2: 290-292

Antimicrobial Effect of Mastic Gum Methanolic Extract Against Porphyromonas gingivalis   Nir Sterer Department of Prosthodontics, The Hebrew University–Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel.   Abstract The antimicrobial effect of mastic gum, an ancient remedy for oral malodor, against Porphyromonas gingivalis, a known odorogenic periopathogenic oral bacterium, was tested…

STOMATOLOGIA 2002,59(1): 39-49

Modulation of Chewing Rhythms to Changes in Viscoelasticity of Chewing Gums in People with Different Age and Dental Status   Anastassiadou V., Siovas S.   Abstract Viscoelasticity is a fundamental physical characteristic of food texture. Rheological changes in terms of consistency and viscosity could be evaluated to provide useful information…

Effect of chewing gum on plaque acidogenicity

Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Vol. 24(2) Page 129-32 Koparal E, Ertugrul F, Sabah E.   Ege University, Dental Faculty, Department of Pedodontics, 35100, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。   Abstract The aim of this investigation was to study the effect of chewing sucrose-containing gum, xylitol-sorbitol-containing gum and natural gum (Pistacia…

Journal of Periodontology, April 2003, Vol.74, No.4, pages 501-505

A Pilot Study on Anti-plaque Effects of Mastic Chewing Gum in the Oral Cavity   Keiso Takahashi, Munemoto Fukazawa, Hitoshi Motohira, Kuniyasu Ochiai, Hirofumi Nishikawa, and Takashi Miyata    Abstract Background: Chemical plaque control is a useful aid in mechanical oral hygiene, and various chemical agents have been evaluated as…