Olive Oil Infused with Chios Mastiha

Olive Oil Infused with Chios Mastiha

Greek chefs have long been making infused olive oils, which they use as condiments in all sorts of dishes. Chios Mastiha-infused olive oil has a subtle flavor and a large range of uses in the kitchen. It is, however, used differently than the Mastiha oil called for in several recipes. The latter is an essential oil, potent and robust, to be used in minute quantities. 

Heat 80 ml (about 3/4 cup) of olive oil and the Chios Mastiha in a nonstick skillet over low heat. Pour into a bottle, let cool, and add the remaining olive oil. Use immediately or store in a cool, dark place. Shake before using.

*Note: Chios Mastihashop sells ready-to-use essential Chios Mastiha oil.


  • 1 tablespoon Chios Mastiha
  • 250ml extra virgin oil